marAn tools

rayu prenva zawen

Marain romanization to glyphs and English gloss

"I ride am riding aboard a spaceship."
/rajʌ prɛnva zawɛn/
This glossing function is incomplete. It attempts to annotate the case of nouns and pronouns, and links a Marain form to a dictionary entry. "p1sg" means the first person singualar pronoun; "p3pl" is third person plural, etc. Out-of-vocabulary words or misspellings will pass through into the gloss, and compound words, punctuation, and numbers do not gloss correctly yet.
Input romanized Marain. You can use digits 0-7 and a little bit of punctuation: . is the Marain fullstop; , and ( are the open-encloser; " and ) are the close-encloser, but these won't go to the bit representaiton at the moment.
Input using the Marain font. These characters are allowed: ACEGHLOSTabedgfihkjmlonpsrutwvyz␣
Nine-bit binary representation. Note that most bit strings are not valid character encodings, and will not render anything in the glyph field above.
Examine some of these example sentences:

ra'yuh prenva zawen
"I am flying aboard a spaceship"

ra'yuh kabo tingiye
"I know what I'm talking about"

geyuh peraybihnt eseli
"you seem beautiful to the culture"


Look up Marain words using their Romanization. Don't trust the parts of speech. The dictionary will acquire more user-friendliness at some point, as well as more gravitas.

pren /prɛn/ noun spaceship
